Natural science. 1 Primary. Mas Savia . Andalucía
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Natural science. 1 Primary. Mas Savia . Andalucía


The MAS SAVIA Project for Natural Science takes advantage of different tools and methodologies to motivate the learning, understanding and application of the contents. The contents of each learning block are organized into three learning moments: Let's Get Started, Let's Understand and Let's use. Inserted between these are Make a Change (service-learning activities with many opportunities to work using co-operative strategies) in which both communicative and cognitive skills are put into practice. Many of the Let's Get Started and Let's Use sections take the form of experimental workshops. This general philosophy of promoting active learning is manifest in the final Making a Change task which integrates knowledge, skills and multiple intelligences. Natural Science takes the CLIL approach to making language and contents accessible with careful scaffolding of language and the visual summarizing of content. There are regular opportunities to review what has been learned. Attention to diversity is catered for by online testing which can give the teacher a clear and immediate evaluation of the class's performance by identifying students who may be having difficulties. Natural Science has been created in tandem with EPS: a new CLIL based English course for plurilingual primary schools which integrates closely with the Natural Science learning paths

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U.D. Publishing S.A. de C.V.
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