The Way

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The Way

The Way came to mind, as I was breaking down the Scriptures in the book of Acts of the apostles. These twelve men whom Jesus had chosen and appointed to continue His great commission, they could not do His will without the gift from God. Jesus told them to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the gift of God, which is the Holy Spirit. This would be the power they needed to carry out Jesus's commission. The Spirit of truth could not come until Jesus ascended into heaven.

Ten days later, the 120 souls were in a upper room when the Holy Spirit came from heaven and gave them power to do God's will, which was to warn people that the kingdom of God is near and to repent from sin. The apostles were to spread the Word about Jesus to Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea, and all four corners of the world. God had not revealed this to the prophets of the old testament; this was something new. God had allowed the Israelites to go about doing their own thing on whom they would worship and they followed what the other nations were doing and they fell out of the relationship that their ancestors had with God from the beginning.

To bring this relationship back to the way God wanted, He showed us how much He loved us by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus, to come and show us how to live in the world but not to be of the world. Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God. The prophets spoke of Jesus by revelation through the Holy Spirit, but when He came to earth through the virgin Mary, the Israelites did not know it was Him. Jesus fulfilled all the Scripture that spoke about His coming and what he would do on earth that no other had done. He restored sight to the blind, He healed the deaf, He made the lame walk, He taught us about the kingdom of God through the foreknowledge of God. He allowed the Israelites to kill Him, who had never sinned, to die and bear all our sins on the cross, and if we believe in Him and that the Father sent Him to be an atonement for our sins, we would be back in a relationship with the Father and could go to the throne of God without feeling guilt or shame for our sins because our sins were nailed on the cross with Jesus. But before this had taken place, Jesus had told the people, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You cannot get to the Father except through Me."

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Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
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