Chris Shelton's Easy Guide to Emotional Well-being with Qigong: Third Edition

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Chris Shelton's Easy Guide to Emotional Well-being with Qigong: Third Edition

Chris Shelton offers this book as a guide for understanding and incorporating the theories and practices of specific exercises focused on balancing your body’s energy. Although the practices in this book originated in ancient China, these exercises are meant to benefit all people. The system as a whole is known as “Qigong.” “Qi” refers to the life force energy that emanates within all things, material and non-material, and “gong” means work, or skill. Practicing the meditations and exercises described in this book will certainly give your Qi a boost, and you will finish feeling revitalized and refreshed, rather than worked-out and exhausted. Each day of practice will bring greater and greater benefits, gradually refining your health and vitality—your fundamental nature—as one would refine ore into gold.
As the founder of Morning Crane Healing Arts Center in San Jose and Los Angeles, California, Chris believes in self-empowerment, teaching that no matter your life circumstances, you can take control of your health in order to enjoy life, free from pain.

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Radius Book Group
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Paperback ePub

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