Networking All-in-One For Dummies

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Networking All-in-One For Dummies

The essentials you need to learn about networking—10 books in one!

With over 900 pages of clear and trustworthy information, Networking All-in-One For Dummies is the perfect beginner's guide AND the perfect professional reference book. Small networks, large networks, business networks, cloud networks—it's all covered. Learn how to set up a network and keep it functioning, using Windows Server, Linux, and related technologies. This book also covers best practices for security, managing mobile devices, and beyond. Maybe you're just getting started with networking, or maybe you know what you're doing and need a resource with all the knowledge in one place. Either way, you've found what you need with this Dummies All-in-One

  • Plan a network from scratch and learn how to set up all the hardware and software you'll need
  • Find explanations and examples of important networking protocols
  • Build remote and cloud-based networks of various sizes
  • Administer networks with Windows Server and other versions
  • Secure your network with penetration testing and planning for cybersecurity incident responses

Every network administrator needs a copy of Networking All-in-One For Dummies, the comprehensive learning resource and reliable desk reference.

Book details

For Dummies
Publication year


Paperback ePub PDF

Other books by Doug Lowe

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