Regulating Big Tech
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Regulating Big Tech

The Analysis of Competition to Remedy Nineteenth-Century Legal Restraint for Twenty-first Century Innovation

Dear "We the People,"

Daily global news supports the relevant importance of well-considered solutions to regulating Big Tech in response to the clash of constitutional restraint, agency regulation, and corporate actions. Technology's innovative networks have invaded business and economic structures. The simple has morphed into the complex while no effective method of meaningful enforcement is found within current law.

Legal immunity grants expansive freedom from accountability and corporate responsibility; the ramifications are far reaching, and widespread; indeed, worldwide. Cultural norms of national regimes shape their approach to violations of anticompetitive activity. The United States solely has criminal restraining regulatory enforcement. Why is that? How effective is the civil restraining enforcement? The media publicizes financial fines intended to restrain and yet are corporately considered merely the cost of doing business. The public's accommodation becomes inevitable as the legal system loopholes surpass any legal restraint while hoodwinking deception slow walks the penalizing remedy.

The objective herein is to effectively distill humanity's psyche through the lens of history, sociology, law, and economics giving the reader a rich and comprehensive understanding of foundational status quo and a context for implementing retaliatory strategy. At stake is the consequential welfare of consumers who find themselves in uncharted territory, without effective advocacy. The resultant challenging competition marketplace is a difficult environment for consumers and competitors alike.

My singular goal is to provide perspective of how things should function, do function, and can function for the betterment of the citizens of this interconnected world. We are not just residents; indeed, citizenry is a participatory designation. Accountability safeguards against destruction, and it is inclusive... "We the People" are the government, not the governed; therefore, we are accountable to one another.

It is my great pleasure to share this dialogue with you as we enjoy this reading journey together. May my inspiration become your aspiration to enjoin your friends in citizenry participation.

David R. Gilchrist, PhD, LLM, SJD

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Fulton Books, Inc.
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Hardcover ePub

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