The EUropeanisation of Planning Law (Papel + e-book)

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The EUropeanisation of Planning Law (Papel + e-book)


The European integration; has turned into a new territorial model?. Non European observators have sometimes a more european vision of our common spaces, cities and their regulations The big question that this book tries to solve is: Are there any legal basis for this so called European city, for this European urbanism, for a Europeanisation of the territory?. EU law doesn’t recognize planning law as direct jurisdiction in the Treaties. But since its origins it has been approximating to the direct scope of planning law through the intervention in related issues. The “atractiva vis” of EU law has broken through planning law with the intervention in sectors as seemingly untouchable from the national perspective as the regulation of development systems (towards contract regulation). Even the apparent hard core of development rights definition has left aside from the EU “ longa manu”. The EU service and contracts Directive gives a narrow interpretation of what development works are. This book pretends to highlight the main elements that give planning law a certain homogeneity from EU regulation such as environmental law, cohesion policy and its territorial effects, contracts and services related to planning law and the environmental scope of urban sustainability all of them supports the principles of the European Urban Agenda, which tends to give orientations to EU countries in the implementation of compact, sustainable and safe cities.

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Editorial Aranzadi
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