The Role of Fintech in the Post-Covid-19 World
Shipping & Commercial Case Law
History of Law and Other Humanities
The legal history of european integration
The Trade Relations of the European Union with the rest of the World (Papel + e-book)
Spanish Succession Law through Forty Significant Judgements (Papel + e-book)
The EU and the Mediterranean in light of the Global EU Security Strategy
Stagnant water bodies pollution
Globalization of Law. The Role of Human Dignity (Papel + e-book)
Towards a new ai race. The challenge of lethal autonomous weapons systems (laws) for the United Nations (Papel + e-book)
The right to asylum in Europe. Innovation of asylum procedures (Papel + e-book)
Social Work Challenges in the XXI Century
New trends in maritime law
Lessons of spanish substantive criminal law (Papel + e-book)
Practical implementation of Framework Decisions 2008/947 & 2009/829
Rural Worlds, Social Sustainability and local landscapes in the globalisation era. Case studies in southern Europe (Papel + e-book)
Psychological Health Impact of THB for sexual exploitation on female victims (Papel + e-book)
Casebook on Spanish Succession Law (Papel + e-book)
Lesson of spanish substantive criminal law (Papel + e-book)
The EUropeanisation of Planning Law (Papel + e-book)
An American Constitutional History Course for Non-American Students
Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 5
Current issues on Human Rights
Spanish Modern Family Law through an Analysis of Eighty Landmark Decisions (Papel + e-book)
Conflicts of interest between majorities and minorities in the EU Member States' private company law (Papel + e-book)