History of Law and Other Humanities
Current issues on Human Rights
Stagnant water bodies pollution
Conflicts of interest between majorities and minorities in the EU Member States' private company law (Papel + e-book)
Spanish Succession Law through Forty Significant Judgements (Papel + e-book)
The legal history of european integration
The EU and the Mediterranean in light of the Global EU Security Strategy
Rural Worlds, Social Sustainability and local landscapes in the globalisation era. Case studies in southern Europe (Papel + e-book)
New trends in maritime law
Casebook on Spanish Succession Law (Papel + e-book)
The right to asylum in Europe. Innovation of asylum procedures (Papel + e-book)
Social Work Challenges in the XXI Century
The EUropeanisation of Planning Law (Papel + e-book)
Globalization of Law. The Role of Human Dignity (Papel + e-book)
Shipping & Commercial Case Law
The Role of Fintech in the Post-Covid-19 World
The Trade Relations of the European Union with the rest of the World (Papel + e-book)
Spanish Modern Family Law through an Analysis of Eighty Landmark Decisions (Papel + e-book)
Lesson of spanish substantive criminal law (Papel + e-book)
Psychological Health Impact of THB for sexual exploitation on female victims (Papel + e-book)
Practical implementation of Framework Decisions 2008/947 & 2009/829
Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 5
Towards a new ai race. The challenge of lethal autonomous weapons systems (laws) for the United Nations (Papel + e-book)
Lessons of spanish substantive criminal law (Papel + e-book)
An American Constitutional History Course for Non-American Students