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Dominoes Starter. Moby Dick Digital Pack
Herman Melville
Ideal for new learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.'My friend Queequeg and I are looking for whaling work,' Ishmael says.Ishmael is a sailor from New York. With Queequeg the harpooner, he takes work on Captain Ahab's whaling-ship, the Pequod. The ship's first mate, Starbuck, wants to hunt whales for their oil. But Captain Ahab isn't interested. In the hunt for a white whale twenty years earlier, the captain lost a leg. So now Ahab wants revenge on the white whale - Moby-Dick! Who lives? Who dies? And what happens to Ishmael?
Detalles del libro
- Editorial
- Oxford University Press España
- Año de publicación
- 2014
- Colección
- Dominoes
- Idioma
- Español
- 9780194610087
- aa352b9679e7