Nehemiah as a Model for Church Plantings
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Nehemiah as a Model for Church Plantings

Nehemiah was given a very difficult job by God in that he was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Today we have also been given a difficult task, and that is to rebuild the church of God. One way to do this is by planning new churches. Nehemiah was a master planner and doer. How he rebuilt the walls can also give us some good advice as to how we can start new churches. Nehemiah prayed, planned, and did the necessary work. He was successful. This book shows us that we can learn from Nehemiah. Also, the book, in the second section, gives some practical ideas for the church planter. One of the obstacles Nehemiah faced was attacks from both the outside and the inside. He had enemies who did not want the wall to be built, and he also faced problems among his own people. Every church planter will face many of the same types of problems. Once again, we can learn how Nehemiah dealt with the spiritual warfare that so often is present.

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Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
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Tapa blanda ePub

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