The World Is Punished

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The World Is Punished

Illicit Sex Can Lead To Death

The World is Punished illustrates what could happen to the United States and the members of the United Nations when they choose to rebel against the dictates of God.  Two mystics selected by God to tell the world of impending disasters face being pursued by governments and other anti-Christian organizations hoping to do them harm.  Their affiliation with the Father's Touch International Ministry, dedicated to helping individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion, puts all the directors and the members in danger.  Who could imagine that "in the land of the free and the home of the brave" anyone would persecute a Christian ministry that has grown from the founders' basement to many of the states in the United States and to fifty countries around the world?  It is amazing to think that when more than the usual earthquakes, floods, fires, and pandemics occur, the people of the world can't figure out that God the Creator must punish them for their recalcitrant attitude.  The mystics pronounce the need to repent and reconcile with God to solve the problems.  Does it ever happen?

Détails du livre

Outskirts Press
Publication year


Paperback ePub